Beautiful Bunny

My beautiful puppy Bunny is 19 weeks old and she is a gorgeous little Beagle. Fun loving and mischievous. On Sunday 6th November she decided to adventure onto the dining table and realising that Mummy and Daddy may not think this such a good idea she jumped off it!

She landed on her front leg and crushed her shoulder and leg so badly that we were given the choice of amputation, loads of exploratory treatment that may not work as it was such a severe fracture or to put her to sleep. As we stupidly and irresponsibly hadn’t finished filling out the insurance paperwork we couldn’t afford the few thousand the vet mentioned for the exploratory surgery but thee was no way we could lose our little girl.

Bunny had to have her right front leg amputated and she has been the bravest little pup in the world. I think we have taken it harder than she has. She has been up and down since the operation and goes from giddy little kipper to worn out and sleepy. We just taking each day as it comes and trying to make the adjustment for her as easy as possible. The best thing we have bought so far is a raised food and water bowl platform so she doesn’t have to bend much when having her food.

Am writing this and it sounds all matter of fact but have tears rolling down my face looking at my beautiful little pup laid on her bed with her swollen stitches. Am worrying about all the things she won’t do so easily, all for a silly leap and no insurance.

We are determined she will have the best life ever and will help through it all cos we love her so very much.

9 thoughts on “Beautiful Bunny”

  1. Oh, I’m so sorry, what a teribble thing to have to go through with your baby and so soon!

    But don’t worry. She will do everything she was going to do before, and probably more. And she will get tons and tons of attention for being a special hero puppy.

    I would cry too, but let me tell you that there is no way it is going to be what you are envisioning right now. It will be a billion times better, and easier, and happier and more “normal” than you can even imagine and with your help she will lead a full and happy life. Obviously she’s a brave little bugger, we know that already from the silly leap – be patient, teach her judgment, and do not ever think that her life has been “spoiled.” Different – maybe. Worse – definitely not.

    Look up spirit Comet’s mom and a few others who have seen young Tripawds grow up, it will help you to feel better.

    1. Thank you for your comment it is really helping to know others have got through this – am sure Bunny will have a happy life and that we will all adapt now we are getting over the shock. She is a great pup and will get some pics up for all to see my gorgeous little girl.
      Thanks agin
      Helen, Bunny’s mum

  2. Oh sweet Bunny! Our last dog was a beagle and I grew up with a beagle, so I have a BIG soft spot for them. DON’T beat yourself up about the insurance . You never know – the surgery/recovery might have been very hard on her. I’m guessing you probably would have had to keep her quiet for a long time, which would be hard with a young active pup.

    Bunny is not going to feel sorry for herself. She’s not going to have any regrets. She’s going to recover and adapt to life on three legs and AMAZE you. A lot of dogs here are also dealing with cancer, so having an amp for a non-cancer reason (even though I know how devastating this all must have been for you) is actually a ‘good’ thing to a lot of us on the site.

    And, yes, there will be ups and downs during her recovery, but hopefully you are almost all through with that.

    Since she’s so young, she should be able to still be quite active. Our front-leg amp girl was 15 months when she had her surgery and now she runs and plays just as fast/wild as most of the other dogs she meets at the beach.

    We’d love to see pics of your girl!! Be sure to post in the forums if you have questions. This is the site no one wants to join, but everyone is glad they did. You’ll see – it’s awesome to be a tripawd pawrent. Tripawds are amazing and extra special!!!

    Hang in there,
    Jackie, Abby’s mom

    1. Thanks so much for your kind words. She is a wonderful pup and am sure we will all get through this initial shock and go on this amazing journey with her with happy hearts. Thanks again.
      Helen, Bunny’s mum

  3. gosh, sorry to hear about this awful accident – but was an accident. no do-overs, just moving ahead…that’s what bunny is doing, moving ahead, making new memories and living life to the fullest each and every day. you will do this too, learn this from bunny. make sure you guys get plenty of medicinal naps, we highly recommend medicinal naps!!! and of course, pictures, we really need pictures!!!!!

    charon & gayle

  4. I’m sorry to hear about Bunny. She’ll be amazing and you’ll be in awe of her! She’s young and resilient and will do fantastic! hang in there! Xoxo Sue and Sammy

  5. So sorry to hear about Bunny especially since she young like my baby! Tucker just turned one last week and it’s been a month or wo since his surgery and he’s been getting around like nothing ever happened! It’s amazing how quickly they adapt…a lot quicker than I ever thought. He’s really active and crazy like all puppys, and after the initial two weeks he was up and running all around the house. Bunny will be getting around like before in no time! And she’ll even get some extra treats and love now! Can’t wait to see some pictures.

    Alyssa and Tucker

  6. Bunny, we’re so sorry you had your accident. Please lick your Momma’s tears away and tell her that you will do FINE! Really. All is better now, and when you’re a three legged dog, EVERYONE loves you! So heal up and get to your routine again, except please no more jumping off the table OK?

    xoxo & welcome!

    1. Thanks for your lovely words. It means alot to know there are other people who have got through this and on reading about some of these beautiful boys and girls I can only thank my lucky stars that it was through an accident and not the horro of cancer that has brought us to where we are today. Each and every one of you are in my thoughts and prayers and I will always be forever grateful for the joy that is Bunny x

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